Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Recycle piece has been hung

I guess they did a preliminary hanging and it will need some tweaking. Apparently there are 30 entries so it should be a good show. I want to go see it at some point this month. I’ll let you know if I win anything. I doubt it, however.

Here’s my piece hanging with a few other pieces.

In terms of next years theme of Outer Limits I think I will go with an astronomical idea.

I tied a few more ideas in AI. This time I chose using a father and daughter looking at the night sky. Initially I was going to use father and son and then I thought why do that when I’m a female and have taught astronomy. Any of these would have to be tweaked when creating the actual piece. I will keep trying things. After all January is a long way off!

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. Looks good from a distance, which is always what I wanted to know when my art was hung in an exhibit locally. Just can't get that far away from a piece here at home! I like this new set of potential ideas, especially the first one and last two. As you say, lots of time to muse and incubate. :-)


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