Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Crows are done


I finished the crows for the wreath. I just need to attach them and add some other items. Here’s a link to the pattern I bought on Etsy. (Pattern)

Our daughter and her fiancé finally adopted a cat from a shelter. It’s a 2 year old male and they named it Quincy. It’s certainly appropriate that they adopted a black cat given that they live in Salem, Mass. It was a stray and is very friendly. It follows them everywhere in the house. I might need to make a quilt with black cats on it for their bed.

Thanks for reading. Linking to Nina-Marie.



  1. Those crows look great on the wreath.

  2. Hi Chris, those are such great birds! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Those crows are fabulous. You did the pattern proud.

  4. Love the crows on that wreath. Looks like it was a fun project.


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