Thursday, March 20, 2025


I’ve aborted the idea I just posted about yesterday for the word challenge. It was not going well and I never should have tried that idea. I had a lot of other ideas, but none of them particularly good. I consulted my daughter last night and she gave me an idea. She said to tap into my inner Andy Warhol. So that’s what I’m going to do. Andy Warhol is from Pittsburgh just like me. 

I put away the stuff from the one I was working on and pulled fabrics for the new idea. I printed the photo to work with. No AI this time. I still have plenty of time, but need to get working on it ASAP. 

Stayed tuned next week.

Thanks for reading.

Sketch of our cat. Nothing to do with the word challenge.


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Second thoughts

I’ve had second thoughts about the yellow trees in my word challenge art quilt. The AI image had them and I included them in my last post, but they continued to bother me. I’ve always told my students that if something bothers you then change it. AI doesn’t get things right a lot of the time. The bare trees besides the color would not have cast the shadow that you see on the door on the right. So I decided to do foliage outside instead of bare trees. 

Here’s the old rendition followed by the new one. I still have to tweak the foliage on the left side, but it’s getting there. Also I had to pick a different background fabric because the piece I was using wasn’t nearly large enough. Looking at the photos now I’m not sure if I’m happy with the new background. Back to looking in my stash I go.

Old try

New try

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, March 13, 2025

Moving along on the word challenge quilt

I have made some progress on the word challenge quilt. It’s not due until near the end of April so I’m well ahead of schedule. There’s still some tweaking to do, but I’m nearly there. It’s going to be 11 inches by 14 inches and framed. My word is wonder.

I also failed to mention about a recycle show that 2 of my pieces are in. It’s being run by Natalya Khorover. She the teacher I had for getting me going on using plastics to create quilts. The show is in NY. Here’s a link to info about the show and the group I belong to.

She did a little video about me showing my 2 pieces. Here’s the link to the video.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Update for the week

The recycle piece has been entered. Finally got a decent photo of it behind glass.

I got my king size quilt back from the quilter over a week ago, but didn’t open it up to take some photos until this morning. It looks really good. The thread was a light gray and the quilting looks great. The price for quilting was very reasonable.  They even trimmed the edges. Here are some photos. The backing has crows and if you have read my blog for a while you know my daughter loves crows. She has a black cat and lives in Salem, Massachusetts. So that’s why I picked this design to begin with. Of course now I have to sew on a lot of binding.

I’ve started the next art challenge piece. I have to make a piece illustrating wonder. Here’s the inspiration image and what I’ve done so far. I’ve done the boy and picked fabrics first some of it. The stone floor below the boy may be changed. I used intense pencils to create that. I might just do it with fabrics.