Friday, January 31, 2020

The magazine article is out

The State College February issue is out and the article on Olli instructors is in it.  Here are the 2 pages that my information is on. You can go to the actual magazine here... . Once there click on the current edition. Of course there is a typo in my information....oil rights should be oil rigs!

January is almost over and I have not done any quilting at all. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do. I have ruled out a landscape and am thinking about steel mill along a Pittsburgh river or cement works. I also have a photo from Edinburgh that I might tackle. I do have a secret project that I am going to be starting that I will not be able to post about until later.  So check back.

Linking to Nina-Marie. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I too can find it difficult to get going in January. Often I'm still working on something leftover from the previous year. But with the turn of the calendar comes a feeling that this might be a chance for a fresh start, but with what? I'm putting it off too.


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