Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Hacking away at the fence

I’ve taken my scissors to the fence to make it more dilapidated. I’m not sure if I’m there yet. I’ll let this simmer on the design wall until tomorrow. I’ve also started to put the pumpkins back up. Some of them keep falling off. I will need to use some Roxanne’s glue baste on them before I take this quilt off of the design wall. Besides that I’m still struggling about the spacing of the pumpkins. I know that to create depth when they are further away they should get smaller and closer together. I don’t want to make them in a particular section all exactly evenly spaced because that would be boring. So some irregularities are important. Plus I guess there should be some slight variation in the sizes of the pumpkins in a particular section. Also they should get darker and less distinct. 

Of course I’ve made some changes to this after taking this photo.
Thanks for reading.


  1. If we took photos of every adjustment we’d do nothing but photograph.

  2. Oh yes, a bit better on the fence. And the thought about the pumpkins is right on. Already that little one next to the big one is making things more interesting. I also keep wondering if the fence has to go so far up the path. I keep expecting it to end about where the 3rd pumpkin up the path is. Of course, I don't have the advantage of actually trying that. If I could, I might see that shortening it doesn't work at all. For what it's worth, here's a photo I took of a wrought iron fence surrounding an old house in Sandpoint. I'm sure you've already looked at many examples, but I can't seem to get this one out of my head.


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