Thursday, September 5, 2019

What a nice surprise

I was cleaning up the mementos from the AQS Michigan Quilt Week show this morning. I picked up the show booklet that they gave me and a piece of fabric fell out. I thought, "What's that all about?" When I examined the fabric I saw that it is a quilt label to sew onto the back of the quilt. So that's what I did today.

I had no idea they gave accepted entries a quilt label to show the quilt was in the show. How cool!

I wonder if they told me that and I forgot about it.....

"Light in Darkness" 35 in by 35 in
Soon the quilt will be on it's way to the Schweinfurth Art Center in Auburn, NY for another exhibit.

Now I have to figure out what I will work on next. Plenty of ideas floating around in my head. Which one is crying out to be made?

Here's our cat Chowder having a delicious dinner. He is the sweetest cat ever. The basket in the background was one I made for my mother years ago.

Linking to Nina-Marie.
Thanks for reading.



  1. I love your circle quilt! Kudos for getting it in to Schweinforth.

  2. In all my years of sending my quilts off to shows, I can only remember one that gave me a label like this afterwards to sew on my quilt. Not even the one AQS show I got into and won an award for did this. So it must be something relatively new. And I think it is a great idea.


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