Friday, October 7, 2022

What tools do I use to create my quilts?

I am nearly done teaching my class and will be able to devote my time to my Boston quilt. I did get a little done this week. I redid the window I was not happy with last week. I also have been using Inktense pencils to darken a fabric that I am going to use in the bottom part of the last building. In between the window sections is a decorative section. So far I have used the back of a fabric because the front was too dark. I want the last decorative section to be darker than the top two, but again the front is too dark. So I have been experimenting with Inktense pencils to darken the backside of the fabric. Hopefully I got it right since I don't have a lot of the fabric to play with at this point.

So you can see I don't have a lot to show in terms of the Boston quilt. This is the same photo as last week. I have been doing a lot of observations and thinking. I noticed that things did not look like they were lining up properly. I realized that the brownstones on the left do not go straight up and down. They are wider at the bottom than the top due to how the photo was taken. The red violet one I positioned as if it really went straight up and down. That made the blueish one seem off. When I finally take the buildings off and position them where they should go rather than estimate it I will get that right.

One of the things I talk about in my class is what tools I use to create my quilts.

Here's the list. 

  • Computer, iPad, Electric Quilt software. A lot of my designing is done on my iPad these days.
  • Light table (I have a really large one)
  • Transparencies, tracing paper
  • Sulky Totally Stable stabilizer
  • Lite Steam-A-Seam 2 fusible web, sometimes Misty Fuse or Roxanne's glue baste
  • Good quality invisible or monofilament thread (YLI, Superior)
  • Other threads, the usual quilting supplies including good quality rulers and rotary cutters.
  • Teflon pressing sheets (or parchment paper)
  • Design wall, phone camera, digital camera
  • Blue tape, scotch tape, packing tape, pencils, erasers, markers
  • Intense pencils, oil paint sticks, Fabrico fabric markers
  • Karen Kay Buckley scissors, tweezers
  • Lots of beautiful fabrics
  • Blue Dawn dish detergent to soak the fabrics to release excess dye
  • Idea notebook
  • Music
  • Patience, perseverance (I think this might be the most important since it takes me months or years to make a quilt)

What fabrics are my favorites? Batiks, hand dyed or painted, fossil ferns, Stonehenge, Cherrywood, Kaufmann sky ombre, moda marbles (I don't think they make these anymore). What are your fabric fabrics? What are your favorite tools?

Linking to Nina-Marie.

Thanks for reading.




  1. Totally amazing! I am in awe.


  2. I love to hear that you use Inktense pencils to help alter your fabric to the value you need.I used to think that sort of thing was cheating, until I got myself into a situation where that was the only logical solution! I also enjoyed seeing your list of tools and your repeated emphasis on "good quality". Nothing holds you back like poor quality tools and thread. Your tools are similar to mine, although I don't use Electric Quilt anymore nor do I use any kind of tablet. I'm more apt to just use paper and pencil or pen. I do occasionally alter photos in Corel Paintshop Pro and use that software in other ways too when designing. As for fabrics, not much different from your list. Nothing like a good stash of batiks and hand-dyed fabrics but the addition of commercial fabrics like the Stonehenge line are great too. Texture is key!

  3. I love that you added patience as a tool. So true. Clearly that tool serves you well as you analyze, reanalyze and experiment. The Boston scene is truly coming together.

  4. When I started quilting, way back in the 70s, I was in my early 30s and as I was crawling around on the floor cutting out stuff with scissors, I kept wondering how old ladies did this! Thank heaven for all the fabulous tools we have now. Although, I wish someone would invent the perfect, removable marking tool.


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