Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Back to an old project

The Halloween quilt that was inspired by a painting is back on my design wall. This is what I was working on 2 years ago before I got into the Boston quilt. There are several changes I need to make to this quilt.

Here’s that quilt. 

The first thing I will change are the windows in the house. I want less of them, make them smaller, and make them yellow instead of white. Here’s a sketch of what I have in mind.

The next thing is the path that goes up the hill. It’s too snake like or too curvy. It should be more like a zig zag with sharper bends. Here are some photos of a path going up a hill near where I live. You see I was doing research. It pays to do your research!

Then there’s the fence. I asked an artist about it and she said the perspective was off, but did not say how. I am confused as to how I’m looking at those large pillars. Is it from above or below? Plus it’s too fancy compared to the house. The house was more free in its cutting. The fence was more rigid. So I’ve taken off a lot of the fence and will rethink it. I’m leaning toward a simple fence and no open gate so I don’t need to worry about perspective as much. It will be more like this sketch.

So you can see I have some work to do on this one. I put it back on the design wall and will work on it as I pin the Boston quilt for quilting. In other words I will be doing two things at once.

Have you ever rethought a quilt and made major changes to it? 
Thanks for reading.
Linking to Nina-Marie.


  1. Oh yes! Now that I see your mock-up, I love that wonky fence, something that really does go better with the age and condition of the house. And moving to yellow and fewer windows seems a good move too. Also love your research of the paths. Sounds like it was a good idea to put this one away for awhile. I think your subconscious has been working away at how to resolve it while you worked on the Boston quilt.

    Brain too muddled right now to remember if I've had this sort of thing happen but I'm sure it has!

  2. I didn't realize you set aside this quilt unfinished. I liked it very much when you were making it but your proposed changes do make sense and are an improvement. I've never set aside a quilt to marinate, I finish and move on cause I know I'm NEVER going to go back to it. For some reason can't move on from Anonymous. LF

  3. Can't say I have ever reworked a finished quilt. I have dramatically changed a couple while working on them. :) You have definitely upped the spook level, taking it to Rocky Horror Picture Show scenery, from friendly Halloween decor.


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