Sunday, June 11, 2023

Where’s the fanfare??????

I would have thought when I finished stitching the pieces in place for my Boston quilt that I would have heard some fanfare. But there was nothing but silence. After 3 months of stitching you would have thought that I deserved some celebration music. But no! 

I did listen to the Hallelujah Chorus so I created my own celebration. Here’s the finished top. I ordered the backing fabric which I decided was going to be fossil fern in light blue and purple. This design began 2 years ago. Most of that time was spent designing, but the last 3 months of stitching seemed really long. I’m very happy that I made it through this stage. I would imagine that quilting will take that long as well. I expect the quilting to be more interesting at least.

Thanks for reading. 


1 comment:

  1. Working in solitude, we have to create our own fanfare. Only we ourselves really know what we've gone through to get here. I often do a little dance, well no, a big dance when I've come to the end of a major effort. Hallelujah Chorus sounds perfect to me!


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