Tuesday, February 6, 2024

New photo challenge

The challenge this week is People/Pets. I had never used the portrait setting on the iPhone when taking a photo. So it was great learning about what it will do. I took a photo of our cat, Chowder, using the stage spotlight mono setting for portraits. I then edited it square and use a tiny bit of a filter in Prisma. Here’s the result that I already posted to the class. I love the dramatic effect that a black and white photo has.

I baked bread in my Emile Henry ceramic baker last Friday. It was a no knead bread that you let create its own gluten and flavor over 12 to 18 hours before you shape it. It turned out great. Great crust, nice holes, and great chewy texture. I will keep this recipe!

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. The use of black and white is underrated. Very dramatic with its perspective, contrast and that totally black background.


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