Friday, June 21, 2024

I think I’ve procrastinated long enough

I have been doing lots of little side projects instead of working on the Boston quilt and the Halloween quilt. I know that this has been because I’ve been avoiding working on them. While I was stitching one of the crows for the grapevine wreath part of the Halloween quilt fell off of the design wall. Lots of the little pumpkins fell off as well one of the large pumpkins and ended up on the floor. They were all over the place. Some of the fence pieces fell off, too. I put the large piece back up and used some pins to hold it in place. The pumpkins are in a box. I think I better get this one off of the design wall and get the pieces glued down. Thank goodness I took a photo of it before it fell off!

So once I finish the wreath I need to get the Halloween quilt fused, glued, and stitched. Then I must finish quilting the Boston quilt. 

Here are some crow photos. One crow is done. The parts of the other 2 crows are stitched and ready for assembly. The body of the crows gets lightly stuffed. The other pieces are then attached.

 Thanks for reading. Well back to crows so I can finished my 2 large projects.



  1. Delightful quilt and wonderful crows! I always enjoy seeing what you are doing in the present moment!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I've always been a bit good humored about how projects rise up and down the priority list depending on if I've hit a snag or something I just don't want to face about the ones closest to the top. Suddenly others lower down that I didn't think I wanted to face don't seem that bad. On the other hand, both of these big quilts have been intense both design wise and execution wise so needing to take a break from them not at all surprising. I think the muses are tired of waiting though and sent you a big get with it sign. Indeed, so glad you have a photo reference so you can get those pieces of the Halloween quilt back in place. Or maybe having to reposition them will give you new insights? At any rate - horrors!!!


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