Friday, August 30, 2024

Slow week

I did end up with Covid. The symptoms started last Friday so this has been a low key week. Most of them are gone at this point except my stomach is still upset and now my SI joints are inflamed and painful. The only thing I did was start my sister’s birthday gift. I can’t post anything since I think she reads my blog. Her birthday is mid September so I’m running behind. 

In my AI image class I had the image of the week for the second time. The theme was ships ahoy. This was my image. Below that image is my image for this weeks theme which is London fog. 

The photo challenge for the regular photo class this week was Song Title. Can you guess the title? It was hard getting motivated to take a photo this week so it’s not all that creative!

Thanks for reading.


  1. Writing on the Wall? You had enough energy for some creativity. Best wishes for a speedy full recovery and back to normal. LF

  2. Pink Floyd. Hope you are feeling better soon. CVS just got the new Covid shots.

  3. Reading this late in time...and hoping by now you're feeling MUCH better. Sending a hug!


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