Friday, August 2, 2019

Getting there

I am finally quilting the statues and lights on the Charles Bridge quilt. After that is finished I still have to do the sky and some odds and ends and it will be done. Of course while I am quilting the statues I am trying to figure out how to quilt the sky.  Any ideas?

I have really dragged this out. Even though this quilt is going to end up being 36 in by 36 in which is a good size there are lots of very small pieces.

I think my next quilt will be a Halloween kit that I bought. I think I need to make something that I don't have to think so much about. Sometimes I need to do something easy after finishing an art quilt. Do you ever have that need?

Linking to Nina-Marie.
Thanks for reading.


  1. My palette cleanser after a difficult piece is to sew lots of scrappy bits together. Sometimes that results in a quilt, sometimes not.

  2. Wow, Chris -- that's really coming along! Yes, like you I like to follow a tough project with something more mindless and definitely not of my own originating. I call it "OPI" or "Other People's Instructions". Often Bonnie Hunter's annual mystery pieced quilt is timed perfectly for that. Whatever I select, it usually involved cutting and piecing according to OPI. :-)


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