Friday, March 27, 2020

Social distancing quilt

I have been working on my scrap stained glass quilt for a class on Academy of Quilting with Elizabeth. It's a lot of sewing. You cut strips from scraps, you sew them end to end, you fold that in half and sew those strips together, you keep folding it in half until you have a large piece of "fabric" then you cut up the "fabric" you made, sew that back together to make fabric again, and then eventually cut blocks.

Here are my fuchsia strips being positioned to be sewn together. The long strip stretches out the door and down the hallway. The basket is there to keep the 2 halves of the strips separated and tangle free.

Blue fabric. Still has to be cut into strips again.

Dark blue fabric after first sewing.

Green fabric strips sewn together. Still waiting to be cut up again!

Hope you are keeping safe and virus free. We walked in downtown State College yesterday and on Penn State's campus. It was a ghost town. I have never seen it like that. Really scary.

Liking to Nina-Marie. Thanks for reading.


  1. When I read the title and saw the first photo, I thought it had something to do with measuring and marking off appropriate social distancing distance in your house - lol. What a fascinating process. Thanks for showing the different steps.

  2. Hmmm. Not sure it is a technique I'll rush to try; however, I might change my mind when I see the end result.

  3. I agree with Claire... must remember to stop in later to see how it's going. I have no doubt it will be amazing! Take care.

  4. Your end results are so, so pretty!


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