Monday, August 31, 2020

Now the hard part begins

The "easy" part of the quilt is done. I did end up going to a quilt store and buying fabric for the foreground. What I had was not even close enough to being large enough. 

Now I have to do the stone wall, iron gate and all the illuminated jack o lanterns. I still have to work out how I'm going to do the wall and the pumpkins. The wall and gate are next. The pumpkins will be last.

Not a great photo this morning due to light coming in the windows on both sides of my design wall.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Ooh this is really coming together well...I like the additions..
    you are doing a great job on this...hugs, Julierose

  2. Very spooky castle. I was going to say the fun part was going to start until I read you were putting in a stone wall and an iron gate. Hum, I have a piece of fabric that is all stones... you want it?


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