Friday, December 22, 2023

Things always sneak up on you

Even though I just finished all the Christmas gifts I’m starting to think ahead to 2024 and what will happen very quickly. The first thing that will happen is the recycle show in February. This year’s theme is dreamworld. My plans are to make an 18 by 18 piece based on a photo that we took at an outdoor art exhibit near Lennox, Massachusetts a few years ago. It was ghostly figures in a forest.  Here’s the photo.

I want to do an 18 by 18 piece because that is the canvas that I have. I was going to use it for another project, but it did not work out. I will recycle it for this one. I have edited the photo to make it more dream like. Mine will be lightning bugs in ghost forest. I’ve always loved and been fascinated with lightning bugs.

I will use a large piece of plastic for the backing so I can stretch it over the canvas to the back. On top of that I will recycle some of my husband’s jeans for the blue stuff….trees, ground cover, tree canopy. I may have to paint some to get the darker blues. The ghosts will be painted used dryer sheets and the lightning bugs will be French knots. The piece will be stabilized with Pellon 70 stabilizer. At least this is what I have in mind. Of course plans do change. 

Here’s the finished and framed piece of my daughter’s house. Sorry about the reflections when I took the photo. My husband came up with the title….”Generations.” The piece represents 3 generations…my dad, me, and my daughter and her fiancé.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Wow, you've got PLANS, I'm just trying to get through the festive cooking and entertaining. My big plans are to lay down and do nothing. Ha!

  2. Oh yes, things DO sneak up on you! I like your idea for the DreamWorld theme and the way it opens things up for recycling. I'm still mulling what pattern I'll use for a baby quilt that will start off my year.

  3. What a remarkable piece that family home is -- contemporary and an heirloom all at the same time. Best wishes for the holidays and a creative new year. (That fantasy piece is going to be another amazing thing; I can tell!)


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