Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The beginning of a new year

I have been stalled out in terms of creating anything since Christmas. I think it’s because I was making so many things before Christmas that I’m a little burned out. The other is that my MIL died right before Christmas. She was diagnosed with cancer in November and it progressed very fast. She was 95 1/2 years old.  We will miss her. 

We did manage to get up to Salem, Mass to be with our daughter. She loved all the gifts that I made for her…the owl ornaments, the embroidered beret, the witch gnome, and the quilt of their house. We had a lovely time with her. 

I even had a hard time coming up with what I wanted for Christmas. I settled on a year of ancestry and a smart phone photo class with Ricky Tims. Both have been great. I received an Emile Henry large loaf ceramic baker from my daughter. I made this no knead everything artisan bread in it the other day. Oh my it was good.

We have had 2 challenges in the smart phone photo class so far. The first challenge was to pick a word for the year and take a photo that represents that word. Here’s my photo.

My word is EVOLVE. This is what I said about it. These are clouds outside my house this morning. I want to evolve this year in my art quilting and try some new things. The sky in my photo is only a snapshot in time. The clouds change and evolve with the weather systems. The sky an hour later than my photo was completely different. The clouds change and evolve into something completely new. I love the texture and the grayscale of the clouds. What a sky!! Of course maybe I should have picked FINISH as my word since I have several things to finish!!

The second challenge was to take a photo from a vantage point that is not straight on and at normal eye level. Here’s my photo. Of course it’s a building!

This is an old house on my walk. The photo was taken from the left and about half way up. Some of things in the photo like the swing are seen from above and others like the spindles are seen from below. There is definitely a vanishing point on the right hand side. I took other photos for this challenge, but we can only submit one. Here are the others. The window is in my house looking up and out after a snowstorm. The others are looking up at trees with snow on them.

Sometimes it’s hard picking one photo to submit. 

Thanks for reading and happy new year. 



  1. Happy New Year to you! I think Evolve is a great word for you and the class you requested sounds different from others you've taken and off to a good start with the photos. The bread looks so good - do you think the ceramic baker makes a difference? Don't let the year slip away from you now that you have that Ancestry subscription - put it to good use!

  2. Happy New Year! I'm sorry about the death of your MIL but what a long -- and hopefully, rich -- life!

    I agree that 'evolve' is a great word and that your interpretation of the sky above suits it perfectly.

    The bread looks absolutely delicious! I have a bread-maker but rarely make a loaf from dough it creates. It's cold enough out here right now that perhaps I should give that a try!

    I've long wanted to invest in Ancestry but have yet to take the plunge; I look forward to hearing what you have to say about it.

  3. My condolenses on loosing your ML. Looks like you have all kinds of creative things going on. I've been baking bread for decades but just started baking directly on the stone and I can't believe how much difference it makes. I'm eyeing one of Ricki's curve classes, still humming and hawwing.


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