Friday, March 15, 2024

Recycle piece done and thinking about next year

I finished “Cold Dark Orb.” It’s been stretched over a canvas and just needs a label. It’s 18 in by 18 inches and mainly constructed of my husbands recycled jeans. The moon and stars are cut from painted used dryer sheets. They were in my stash and already painted. My supply is low for these dryer sheets since we quilt using them a long while ago. I use wool dryer balls now. Dryer sheets are not really environmentally friendly. 

Here’s the finished piece. I’ve decided to try to sell it at the recycle show in April for $195. The area I live in doesn’t really bring huge prices for art work. I hope it sells.

Description: The pack is on the move.  Are they hunting for prey? Is their rival pack nearby, and threatening? Or, are they merely socializing in the magical ways that wolves do? You decide. My husband’s old jeans became the dreamlike denim forest. Recycled used dryer sheets were used to create the Moon and the stars. Machine stitched. 

The theme for next year is Outer Limits. I’ve started to think about what to do. I probably will use plastic bags as I have in the past. I just have to figure out the design. I’m thinking something deep space using my astronomy background might be good. We started watching the TV show from the 60’s called Outer Limits to see if that gives me any ideas. Of course outer limits can apply to other things. I just need to get thinking.

Thanks for reading.


  1. I remember that show. I was quite young and it often scared the bejesus out of me enough that I didn't want to go to bed afterwards, wanted to watch something not scary to get it out of my head! I think it came on after The Twilight Zone, another often scary show that I never wanted to miss! I can see how your thoughts on next year's theme would naturally go to your astronomy background, but starting on it is a long ways off and we all know how far we sometimes wander from our original ideas. :-)

  2. It's very moody, allayed somewhat by the wolf pack travelling together. I like it a lot, but then blue is my favourite colour.

  3. Beautiful job of creative recycling! The subtle changes in color, the wolf pack almost hidden by darkness, and of course, the moon, Wonderful - and I know just how hard it is to sew on denim. My hat's off to you!


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