Sunday, July 14, 2024

Maybe a new idea for a quilt?

This weeks photo challenge was to take a photo after dark. It doesn’t get dark very early this time of year so that was a challenge. I took a great photo of a building and wondered if I could turn it into a night time photo.

Here’s the original photo.

Then I put my photo into an AI app to make it a nighttime scene. This is what I got.

This didn’t look like nighttime enough for me so I took into the Prisma photo app and got this. I really like this. I love the colors, but I am partial to blue.

Of course I really like the original photo as well.
Thanks for reading.


  1. However you approach it, this would not be an easy image to render in fabric. But to be honest, I don't think most if any of your photo inspirations that you've followed up on have been easy! For some reason, this modified photo doesn't do anything for me, maybe because I'm not too keen on the Ai additions to your original. but architectural angles are definitely a favorite of mine.

  2. Love the photo, so many angles and curves. I like the AI too, as I am also a blue person.


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