Thursday, July 18, 2024

Update on the last blog

Turns out it was the quilt shop that chose to omit the information about the student’s quilt being made in my class. I received an apology email today from the shop. She will correct it in the next newsletter.

This weeks photo challenge is paint the rainbow. Took a photo of the flower garden at a local church and used Prisma app on it. So paint the rainbow with flowers! Monet would be jealous!

Thanks for reading.



  1. All's well that ends well. :-) Love the rainbow flower photo.

  2. Love the vibrancy. We had such a cold sping I'm still waiting for blooms on my seed planting. Also, no bees, very worrisome, ususally there are clouds of bees in my thyme.

  3. Good news that the issue with the shop is being rectified. Onward! As for that garden -- whoa! What a wonderful riot of colour!


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