Thursday, August 15, 2024

Tweak, tweak, tweak until it makes you crazy

I have arranged and rearranged the pumpkins many times this week. I took plenty of them out. You can see them floating outside of the path. The other thing I did was making the spacing more irregular. At some point I just have to fuse the pieces in place and stop over analyzing it.

I’m thinking of a new pieced project. I want to make a king sized quilt for my daughter. I started the design in EQ and have pulled out a ton of Halloween fabrics. The black cat silhouettes that EQ put in are too large, but I can adjust that. I also would like to create images based on her black cat. I will also continue to quilt the Halloween quilt that I’m finishing as well as the Boston quilt, but I need to so a more traditional pieced quilt for a break. I will have someone else quilt it for me. 

Thanks for reading.


  1. Good luck with stopping the over analyzing - lol. I know from personal experience how hard that is! I also know the need to go back to some traditional quilting and piecing. There's something about it that rests the mind and feels like comfort food does. That will be so cute with the cats in the alternating squares.

  2. Change the red squares to the same colour as the sashing squares to see if you like the lines it creates. I like the snaking path it really flows for me. LF


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